
Daniel González Lopes

Staff Software Engineer at Grafana Labs

On the side, I have been building Stacker for a while

Wanna chat? Hit me up on GitHub or LinkedIn, or danielgonzalezlopes at gmail dot com

◕ What I’m Into: Tech Edition

  • I’m passionate about designing, building, and growing great products.
  • I enjoy getting hands-on with all things Product and Engineering.
  • Key areas of interest: Observability, Reliability, DevTools, DevEx, and OSS.

◕ What I’m Into: Non-Tech Edition

  • I enjoy motorcycling, playing tabletop games, rock climbing, and skiing.
  • Recently, I’ve been getting more and more into cooking.

↑ Me and my car at the Nürburgring // Me and some delicious bread I baked ↑